I got really excited when I learned, after a lot of practice how to draw UNDERDOG , CHARLIE BROWN, and Fred Flintstone. After I "mastered" drawing these cartoons, I felt like I could draw anything!
As I got older I began to read a variety of books on figure drawing, cartooning, anatomy, and painting. One book that made a big impression was Drawing on the right side of the brain. I still feel to this day that it is THE book to go to if you really want to learn how to draw.
I read a lot of Muscle and Fitness Bodybuilding Magazines as well, number one because I had gotten into bodybuilding as a hobby, and two, I figured that it made sense to see waht muscles looked like on a HUMAN BODY rather than copying another artists interpretation. I think learning anatomy THIS way was one of the best things I did for my own education.
I sat in on a few figure drawing sessions at The art Students League and Hunter College where I was majoring in one of the most boring art programs imaginable. More on that later....
Marvel Comics was also a great inspiration. My favorite artist was Gil Kane, and I became a Gil Kane Clone until I discovered R Crumb and Zap Comics.
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